The Eltete TPM code of conduct is based on principles, values, standards and rules of behavior that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of our global organization in a way that contributes to the welfare of our customers, employees and cooperation partners, and respects the rights of all constituents affected by our operations. 

Our activities are in accordance with good business conduct, marketing ethics, human rights and protection of the environment.



Respect human rights according to international standards.

Treat others fairly and courteously without discrimination.

Work as a team and help each other.

Value different ideas, opinions and experiences.

Allow the freedom of association according to local laws.



Live by our own words and actions.

Commit to good service and product quality.

Provide a safe and secure working environment.

Do not allow child and forced labour .

Care for the environment.



Act ethically and honestly.

Do not take part in corruption.

Refrain from anti competitive agreements.

Be consistent in what we say and do.

Eltete TPM business is based on environmentally friendly products. Our goal is to get as many new businesses as possible to take part in this important mission to reduce environmental impact by starting to use sustainable packaging materials.

We take environmental aspects into consideration in new developments, material selection and production processes as well as in all other Eltete operations. We commit to helping our customers to achieve the targets they have set in their environmental policies.

The Eltete values are a right for each employee to conduct himself or herself according to this code. The Code is regularly reviewed and its implementation periodically monitored. Any violations should be reported.

Reduce replace recycle packaging materials
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