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D-board replacing traditional materials in the Visual communication world!

“D-board sales increases steadily due to the ecological reasons in the VISCOM (Visual Communication) industry, whether in the graphic or advertising sector,” according to Vanessa, responsible for the sales in Eltete Shanghai, the investor and manufacturer of D-board. The sales have increased a lot in East Asia, South East Asia, China and especially in the Philippines as more and more traditional materials lose terrain due to sustainable reasons.

Honeycomb rakenne

More and more D-board (ICB – inverted corrugated core) and D-board light (HCB – honeycomb core) are being used for replacing traditional materials like plastic and non-recyclable sandwich materials found
partly littering the oceans.

The advertising, graphic and all sectors that compose the VISCOM industry have to make a change to more sustainable materials and solutions. Even though their volumes seem to be small, the traditional material used today does have a big impact on the environment especially what concerns to the recycling chain – it works very poorly! Hopefully the big players are paying attention and listening to this call and not just focusing on the most profitable materials.

Materials for “one-time-use” should without a doubt be sustainable.

One Time Use Material

…But WHY CARE to make the change?

Consumer goods, automobile, food and many other industries/sectors are already committed in making the change by using materials or process that will reduce the pollution.

Back to the question: Why do they care? Well, the answer is simple. They realized that their environmental and economic footprints are aligned. By preventing physical waste, increasing energy efficiency or improving resource productivity, they save money, improve profitability and enhance competitiveness! YES!

D-Board Enviroment Economics

A “MUST HAVE” responsibility

Nowadays wherever there is a possibility to be part of a greener world, being you a small or big player, keep in your mind that it is not a “nice to have” thinking, like businesses used to think decades ago, it is a “MUST have”, it is a call that all industries should attend.

Non-recyclable material that ended up in the ocean, in few years, will take more space than fish.
Shocking, isn’t it?!

Cleaning the Coast

D-Board and D-Board Light besides being an excellent material for any visual communication purposes, also do its contribution for being a sustainable material! The resources used in its production are renewable and has certifications such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), which is dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. The material is recyclable, its fibers can be recycled up to 5 times and when this is no longer feasible, they can be organically composted or transformed into energy by special incineration.

By replacing the traditional material, you will bring a good image for your company
and you still will be part of this change.

It is time to the VISCOM industry embrace the cause as well!

Be part of the change

Shanghai Eltete manufacture D-board and develop the technology around the manufacturing and processing of D-board. Eltete TPM Finland is also producing D-Board Light for European customers.

Eltete Group produces carton-based materials for both VISCOM and packaging industry with
over 40 years of experience in its field.

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